by Gwendal Daniel | Jan 28, 2021 | Features, Examples, Technical
Visitors are unpredictable. They always find a way to ask what you didn’t expect. Or ask the wrong question at the wrong time. But your chatbot should never be caught completely off guard. A bot able to recover from unexpected inputs is more likely to increase...
by Gwendal Daniel | Dec 15, 2020 | Features, Examples, Technical
Our last article shows how Xatkit eases the development of complex (chat) bots. Now it’s time to get started and design your own bot, and we got your back! We created the Xatkit Bot Template to kick-off your bot development process and quickly get a working bot....
by Gwendal Daniel | Dec 9, 2020 | Features, Platforms, Technical
As we discussed in a recent post, building a (chat) bot from scratch is a complex task that requires to orchestrate very different technical solutions. Let’s see how Xatkit can help here and help you build great bots in no time!. Consider this relatively simple...
by xatkit | Sep 27, 2020 | Features, Platforms, Technical
The Big players in the NLP space focus on the most important languages. If you speak English, French, Spanish,… you can freely choose from a large variety of NLP services to write bots that talk to you in your own language. Unfortunately, this is not true for...
by Hamza Ed-Douibi | Jun 22, 2020 | Features, Technical
We are happy to announce that you can now evaluate the quality of your Xatkit bots using Botium. Thanks to Botium, you can easily create test cases for Xatkit, run your tests in the terminal or a web dedicated app, and integrate them into your CI/CD pipeline. Bots and...
by Hamza Ed-Douibi | Jun 2, 2020 | Features, Technical
The domain-specific language we designed to specify chatbots employs a textual notation. We love textual modeling languages. They are easy to create and manipulate with any IDE. This includes for instance using standard version control tools to manage different...