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About Xatkit

A long time ago, Xatkit started as a collaborative research project between Gwendal Daniel and Jordi Cabot (from the SOM Research Lab) and Berger-Levrault to help everybody make better bots faster. Today, Xatkit is a grown-up and mature technology that uses the best of the low-code and no-code paradigms to provide a flexible chatbot development framework that can be combined with a large variety of platforms and NLP/NLU providers.

Now as a spin-off of ICREA and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Xatkit offers a set of commercial services to help you create, monitor, optimize and host your tailor-made chatbot while keeping its open-source philosophy to avoid any kind of vendor lock-in.

Xatkit has offices in Barcelona and Nantes but also operates as a fully-remote company with contributors and projects from all around the world. Contact us anytime or fill this form to get a quote for your next chatbot project.

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Learn to build great chatbots

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